


If some of your target products are not in JH webstore,
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SUBTOTAL: 0 Items (Postage not included)
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Current :13-26mA / DC 3.3V
Idle Current :10-13mA / DC 3.3V
Sleep current: <80uA
Peak current: <30mA
Operating Frequency: 13.56MHz
Supported card types: S50, S70, UltraLight, Pro, Desfire
Product Physical Characteristics: Dimensions: 40mm × 60mm
Environmental Operating temperature: -20-80 degrees Celsius
Environment Storage temperature: -40-85 degrees Celsius
Relative Humidity: 5% -95%
Data Transfer Rate: Max. 10Mbit / s

A set (blue)
Card size: 85.5mm*54mm
Module size: 59.8mm*39.2mm

Only moudle (blue)
Module size: 59.8mm*39.2mm

Mini Green
Card size: 85.5mm*54mm
Module size: 35.1mm*25.9mm

Mini Black
Card size: 85.5mm*54mm
Module size: 37.5mm*25.1mm

Package Type:
All goods will pack into cartons and wrapped full of waterproof tape before shipment.

We can accept customized package to meet different requirements:
1.Every item will separately pack into plastic bag ,component, module can be packed in anti static bag.
2.Some fragile products such as the display screen can be packed in bubble bag.
3.Some large machines can be packed in wooden cases.
4.We can label JH code or client's code on package so that customers can check easily after receive goods.

Payment & Security

We don't support online payment. Please choose your payment method while submit your order.

JH team will contact with you and send Payment Invoice in 24 hours.

Shipping & Packing

Please select your delivery method and indicate your packing requirements while submit your order.

JH team will quote you the shipping charge before payment .

MFRC-522 RC522 RFID Card Module

SKU : YXA178
Brand : JH Stock
Price :
$ 0.42~0.75
Quantity :
- +
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