Smart Car Tire Series
By Sofia - JH team 12.02.2024
Experimental carts are a common and interesting project in student education.
As the basis of the entire system, the choice and design of wheels not only affects the performance of the cart, but is also directly related to the success of the experiment.
In this blog, I will recommend different wheels to improve the performance and stability of the cart.
1: Mecanum wheel 80mm/97mm
Name: Mecanum wheel Weight: 120g/150g (single)
Inner diameter: 6.5mm Outer wheel diameter: 80mm/97mm
Thickness: 37mm/45mm Number of sub-wheels: 9
Load bearing: 10kg (4 functions)
2:100mm Mecanum wheel
Mecanum Wheel launches a 45° universal wheel with a light load of 100mm. Each driven small wheel is embedded with two plastic sigma wheels.
It is precision machined and the driven small wheel axle clearance is controlled within a small range.
It is particularly suitable for Suitable for driving applications of various small robots.
Each wheel is made of 9 rollers.
Mecanum wheels can be able to move in any direction, there is no need to change the direction of the wheels to prevent slipping.
Each of the four wheels consists of a series of rollers with their axes of rotation at 45° in a plane parallel to the plane connecting the axes of rotation of the wheels on their circumference.
Load capacity: 45Kg/set (this is the load of four wheels together)
3:Caster swivel wheel 58mm NXT
58mm Lego compatible omni wheels Mindstorm's NXT compatible omni wheels come with a central hub for the Arduino motor shaft with a NXT compatible hub.
Rotatable 360 degrees, lightweight movement, solid structure, suitable for different environments, low maintenance cost,
designed to serve manual and electric conveyor belt transport systems, such as rail transport, workstation turntables, robot wheels, etc.
Load capacity: 3 kg
Aluminum Alloy Tires
Hub material: aluminum alloy
Circumference: 300mm
Coupling: embedded
Load-bearing capacity: 50-100kg
If you are interested in these wheels, please contact sales ~
As the basis of the entire system, the choice and design of wheels not only affects the performance of the cart, but is also directly related to the success of the experiment.
In this blog, I will recommend different wheels to improve the performance and stability of the cart.
1: Mecanum wheel 80mm/97mm
Name: Mecanum wheel Weight: 120g/150g (single)
Inner diameter: 6.5mm Outer wheel diameter: 80mm/97mm
Thickness: 37mm/45mm Number of sub-wheels: 9
Load bearing: 10kg (4 functions)
2:100mm Mecanum wheel
Mecanum Wheel launches a 45° universal wheel with a light load of 100mm. Each driven small wheel is embedded with two plastic sigma wheels.
It is precision machined and the driven small wheel axle clearance is controlled within a small range.
It is particularly suitable for Suitable for driving applications of various small robots.
It is designed to provide more effective services to customers in environments with limited transfer space and narrow operating channels.
Each wheel is made of 9 rollers.
Mecanum wheels can be able to move in any direction, there is no need to change the direction of the wheels to prevent slipping.
Each of the four wheels consists of a series of rollers with their axes of rotation at 45° in a plane parallel to the plane connecting the axes of rotation of the wheels on their circumference.
Load capacity: 45Kg/set (this is the load of four wheels together)
3:Caster swivel wheel 58mm NXT
58mm Lego compatible omni wheels Mindstorm's NXT compatible omni wheels come with a central hub for the Arduino motor shaft with a NXT compatible hub.
Rotatable 360 degrees, lightweight movement, solid structure, suitable for different environments, low maintenance cost,
designed to serve manual and electric conveyor belt transport systems, such as rail transport, workstation turntables, robot wheels, etc.
Load capacity: 3 kg
Aluminum Alloy Tires
Hub material: aluminum alloy
Circumference: 300mm
Coupling: embedded
Load-bearing capacity: 50-100kg
If you are interested in these wheels, please contact sales ~